Author: Henta
“Oh Glory” live at Anamchara Ministries & Monastery
“choosing to be joyful can sometimes feel like wading through treacle, it doesn’t always come easily, but once you get going, however slowly, one rock at a time, you can… more
Great Opportunity!
Since we seem to have the theme of health and healing going strong these days here at the monastery, we have available a trilogy of Henta Ellis/Anamchara Ministries & Monastery… more
The original creative hardcopy
The original creative hardcopy now available with 44/16 bit audio… more
Review of “Rocks in My Shoes” by Xan Phillips, radio presenter, Voice FM (Southampton UK)
Rocks In My Shoes This album is what the religious community needs, someone to come along and deliver pop and praise. Whether that community takes immediately to Henta Ellis is… more
Rocks in My Shoes ALBUM LYRICS
1. Rocks in My Shoes – inspired by Psalm 76 I’ve got rocks in my shoes LORDI’m tested morning til nightYet every day is a new dayTo wield the sword… more
Rocks in My Shoes Album – where to buy!
Click here for all options and to preview songs: Contact Henta directly if you would like to buy CDs!