Henta Ellis
“Oh Glory” live at Anamchara Ministries & Monastery
“choosing to be joyful can sometimes feel like wading through treacle, it doesn’t always come easily, but once you get going, however slowly, one rock at a time, you can… more
Great Opportunity!
Since we seem to have the theme of health and healing going strong these days here at the monastery, we have available a trilogy of Henta Ellis/Anamchara Ministries & Monastery… more
The original creative hardcopy
The original creative hardcopy now available with 44/16 bit audio… more
New single now available! “Our Town” feat. Austin & the Avenue
This song is about finding hope and healing in the midst of despair, through the joining together of hands with those in your local community. The key lies in kindness,… more
‘Torah Train’ song!
Featuring Anamchara Choir – Clint Dunn, Caoimhe Dunn, Jason Ihrke, Dava Ihrke, Henta Shofars – Clint Dunn and Jason Ihrke Banjo and Jaw harp – Jacob Grove Lead vox/music/recording –… more
Worship songs now available on CD!
This is a CD of 17 worship songs that HaShem (The LORD) has given me over the last 5 years, available on a donation basis. If you would like a… more
“Torah Train” new version featuring Jacob Grove on banjo!
This was a lot of fun to record as you will hear when you listen to it and the lyrics are all below. This is all about our journey in… more
“Abba” – new song featuring cellist Jackson Birger
Inspired by Psalm 104, 1 Corinthians 15:28 As a follower of Yeshua (Jesus), I am dying daily to my old self as He gently leads me into new pastures of… more
“Yeshua on our side” featuring two of my young music students at Anamchara Ministries!
Here is a new song featuring two of my young music students here at Anamchara Ministries & Monastery. We have Cameron (12 yrs) playing percussion and Chris (14 yrs) playing… more